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The Team Returns to Canada after Circumnavigating Lake Baikal

mardi, juin 8th, 2010 at 13:52

In February 2010, in the dead of Siberian winter, Christopher Pike and a group of experienced adventurers set off to circumnavigate the deepest and oldest lake in the world: Lake Baikal. If you have been reading this blog then you have probably seen some of their stories as they prepared for this journey.

The crew recently got back from their epic adventure and are recovering as I write this. Chris, one of team members, sent me this letter today along with a link to a Russian online magazine article (check out the pictures, even if you don’t speak Russian), and a video also in Russian but with some interesting shots.

« Hi Cadeyrn,

We are back from Lake Baikal after a fantastic trip. The expedition was a success and despite some challenging conditions we managed to finish the circumnavigation only 1 day behind schedule. Highlights from the trip were the many cultural interactions along the way and the incredible scenery at the northern end of the lake. We took a ton of photos and captured over 30 hours of video footage. We are in the process of sorting through all of our photo and video material in order to provide Axiom with quality captured material. I will also send you a new blog post within the next few days.

All the gear worked great! We had minor problems with the front racks, our thoughts were that perhaps the cold (some nights the temperature sucked the thermometer to -50C) may have weakened the aluminum and made it brittle, but aside from that everything held up remarkable in difficult conditions. Thank you so much for your support!

Our expedition was very well received in Russia and in Venezuela and we have generated a significant media presence there. I’ve attached a link to an article with some photos as well as a link to a news clip from Russian television. »


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