All of us here at Axiom / Live To Play Sports have a passion for cycling and the outdoors; whether that’s on a scenic road ride, from the seat a mountain bike in the backcountry, or on an urban exploration! With over 140 staff all across Canada, we’re excited to share photos, tips, and stories of our two-wheeled adventures, all with the goal of inspiring you to get out and ride your bike.
For the first instalment of Staff Rides, we’ll start close to home – the Traboulay PoCo Trail here in Port Coquitlam, BC. The 25km urban pathway encircles the city and passes just a stones throw from our Western HQ. Walkers, runners, and cyclists flock to the trail year-round, getting great views of mountains and meadows, rainforest and riverfront.
The Poco Trail is a beautiful backdrop for Norco and Axiom photography!
For us here at LTP, the trail serves as a great way to commute to the office, or get out for a walk or quick spin on lunch. If you’re looking to test your mettle, there are even a few hotly contested Strava segments nearby!
“I love riding the Poco Trail in the spring. Seeing the Golden Ear mountains covered in fresh snow while it’s 10 to 15 degree in the valley, never gets old.” – Eric
“I have seen coyote and deer, and once during a rainstorm when the river was so deep it covered a portion of trail, there was a large salmon swimming in it, blocking my line through the water!” – Rob
“Having access to the PoCo trail right out the front door of HQ is a real gift. Just being able to get out for half an hour whether on a ride or a run is a great way to clear my mind and come back to work refreshed!” – Sean
Find a map of the PoCo Trail, or even take a virtual tour on the City of Port Coquitlam’s website. Explore the trail on a clear day when the surrounding mountains are in clear view, and make sure to give us a wave as you pass by Peace Park!
Tags: Commuting, pathways, Staff Rides, where to ride